8 Things You Can Do To Position Yourself for a Promotion


Workers excited to receive email about promotion

Picture this: You’re sitting in a team meeting when your colleague announces their recent promotion. As everyone congratulates them, you feel a mix of happiness and… something else. A twinge of envy? A hint of frustration? These feelings are completely normal, especially if the path to promotion seems unclear.


But here’s the good news: you have more control over your career trajectory than you might think. Let’s explore 8 actionable strategies to help you stand out and shine.



1. Complete a Self-Assessment

Let’s break this down into two key areas: your strengths and areas for growth.


Think about your strengths:


  • What tasks energize you?
  • Where do you consistently excel?
  • What are some of your past successes?
  • Where do others seek your expertise or opinion?


These recurring themes are your core strengths – the unique talents that set you apart.


Now, think about your areas for growth:


  • What doesn’t come easily?
  • Where do you stumble?
  • What tasks do you procrastinate on?
  • Where don’t others seek your expertise or opinion?


These could be your hidden opportunities. You don’t need to dwell on them, but rather, be aware. Awareness is the first step toward having a plan. With the right focus, today’s area for growth could be tomorrow’s strength.


2. Align With Company Needs

Positioning yourself for a promotion isn’t just about personal growth—it’s about aligning yourself with your company’s evolving needs. Keep your finger on the pulse of organizational changes and industry trends.


Be Adaptable
As your firm grows and changes, so should you.


  • Is there a new system implementation coming? How can you get exposed to projects related to this, and what learning and development can you do on your own?
  • Did your company acquire another business? Raise your hand on work integration projects!


By staying adaptable and attuned to your company’s needs, you set yourself up to become an indispensable team member.


Become Indispensable
Anticipate your company’s future needs and position yourself as the go-to person. This approach goes beyond just keeping your job—it’s about becoming an essential part of your organization’s future.


  • Stay informed about your company’s strategic goals
  • Develop skills that align with these goals
  • Propose solutions to challenges before they become critical issues


3. Elevate Your Performance

To truly stand out for a promotion, you can’t just meet expectations. You must surpass them consistently. Build a foundation of trust and reliability with company decision-makers by delivering impeccable results:


  • Ensure accuracy and attention to detail so others can rely on your work without double-checking
  • Learn and develop skills for the position above you to show you’re ready for the next level
  • Consistently meet (or beat) deadlines
  • Take ownership of your tasks from start to finish
  • Regularly seek and act on feedback to show your commitment to improvement


But don’t stop at just doing your job well – look for ways to add extra value.


  • Have you noticed a process that could be more efficient?
  • Spotted an opportunity for cost savings?
  • Can you pursue certifications or additional training, like a CPA or Power BI Certification?


Your fresh perspective could be just what the company needs. Remember, consistently exceeding expectations isn’t just about impressing others – it’s about setting a new standard for yourself.


4. Take Initiative

Want to stand out? Be proactive on projects or tasks!


Let’s say you notice an issue that needs addressing. Don’t wait to be asked—come up with a solution yourself. This proactive approach shows you’re committed to the company’s success and demonstrates your critical thinking skills.


It also proves that you’re more than just someone who follows orders. You’re a problem-solver who can spot areas for improvement on your own. You see what needs to be done and take action.


5. Expand Your Skillset

Your workplace is a goldmine of learning opportunities – if you know where to look and how to use them.


Start by exploring internal resources. Many companies offer learning platforms or course subscriptions. Take advantage of these – they’re there for your benefit. Don’t see what you need? Speak up! Request specific training from your manager or HR.


But don’t limit yourself to formal training. Seek out hands-on experiences that stretch your abilities:


  1. Volunteer for challenging projects outside your comfort zone
  2. Look for cross-functional assignments to broaden your business understanding
  3. Shadow colleagues in different roles to gain new perspectives
  4. Offer to cover for team members on leave to test-drive different responsibilities
  5. Participate in company initiatives for exposure to senior management


Each new experience adds a tool to your professional toolkit, making you more valuable to your organization and confident in your abilities.


6. Expand Your Influence and Contributions

Speaking up and contributing meaningfully is not about dominating every conversation – it’s about driving progress, showcasing your expertise, and expanding your influence within the organization.


Here are some examples during a team meeting:


  • Share your observations if you’ve noticed an interesting trend in a financial report
  • If you have an idea for improving a process, present it clearly and concisely


You should also look for opportunities to interact with other departments or senior management. Consider volunteering to present at company-wide meetings or offering to assist with financial literacy initiatives within the organization.


These experiences increase your visibility and broaden your understanding of the business.



7. Articulate Your Achievements

Your accomplishments speak volumes, but only if they’re heard. Learning to communicate your value effectively isn’t bragging—it’s essential for career growth and positioning yourself for a promotion.


When discussing your achievements, be specific and factual.


Example: Instead of saying, “I’m good with numbers,” try, “My revised audit process increased efficiency by 15% and identified $100,000 in cost-saving opportunities.”


Concrete examples and measurable results make your contributions clear and memorable.


You don’t have to wait for your annual review to share your successes. Keep your manager informed regularly. Have you made, saved, or achieved something? Received positive feedback from a peer? Send a quick email to your manager, or mention it in your next one-on-one! This keeps your achievements on their radar and demonstrates your ongoing value to the team.


Remember, if you don’t advocate for yourself, you might be overlooked when opportunities arise.



8. Document Your Progress

Keep a record of projects or tasks you were responsible for and detail your contributions. Include any measurable results—like efficiency improvements or cost savings. Consider creating a dedicated folder (digital or physical) to organize essential documents related to your accomplishments.


Make it a habit to update the list and folder as projects and tasks occur. This way, you’ll have the most current examples of your contributions when it comes time for performance reviews or promotion discussions. You deserve to be recognized for your efforts and impact on the business!



Final Thoughts

Something to keep in mind: You could be doing everything right but still not get that promotion. Sometimes, it’s simply because there aren’t open seats or the company’s needs have shifted.


Don’t let this discourage you! Your growth is valuable regardless of immediate outcomes.


If you’re feeling ready for that next step and opportunities seem limited, consider exploring options beyond your current company. Have a quick and confidential chat with a recruiter you trust! They’ll know of exciting opportunities that could give you the experience you want right now.


Whether you stay or venture out, know that your efforts are an investment in your future.

You have the power to shape your career path and position yourself for that next exciting opportunity.


We’re rooting for you!