Can You Prevent Virtual Onboarding from Leading to Turnover on Your Team?


Over the last eighteen months, virtual onboarding has been the only option for most organizations that have hired through the pandemic. While most hiring managers we’ve spoken to are grateful for the technology that allowed them to add employees to their teams, they also feel like it’s not a substitute for the “real thing,” meaning, they are eager to resume traditional training and onboarding. If you’ve hired and on-boarded talent over the past year and a half, here are 4 things to keep in mind to try to eliminate turnover.


Build Team Loyalty

Take your team’s temperature on what you and your company have done well and what needs improvement. 

Stephanie Wells from Formidable Forms was quoted by Forbes as believing, “It’s important for leaders to listen to their team with open ears and be there for them when they need it.” 

You could consider doing something more structured like gathering your team for a goals summit. This would provide an open forum for expression of ideas and a chance to establish common team goals. If your team feels like they’re all working together toward an important goal, they’ll be more likely to see the benefit of working together and form tighter bonds with one another more quickly.


Connect Their Role to the Mission

Your company has a focus beyond making money, make sure new hires understand their role in that. They’re more than just a cog in a wheel, they make an impact.

Kevin Leyes, from Leyes Media & Team Leyes, by Leyes Enterprises says, “Making them feel valued and important within the team, each one in their own area, will allow them to work with focus on the objectives and enliven their sense of belonging and identity toward the company.”

Try to demonstrate how each team member wins when the company wins. Seek to emphasize growth and succession planning potential. (People don’t always take the job for the first move, but the job beyond what got them in the door.) Remember, money is a motivator to move, but access to long term success will get them to stay.


Comp revisit

Did you bring new staff into your organization in this competitive market?  We have seen a big shift in the last 12 months. Those individuals that took a lateral offer a year ago, might be getting recruited.

Katie Kelly, Ambrion’s Managing Director explains, “2021 has been a whirlwind for recruiting and retaining talent.  This is one of the hottest job markets we have seen in our 20 years.  I would say that our salary guide provides a good outline, but the market is shifting even since releasing this guide in January.  We have seen a steady demand and increase in salaries at all levels.  To recruit and bring on A-level talent, we are seeing offers coming in on average with 20% increases.” 

When was the last time you re-visited your Internal Equity? Do you know how you stack up in your industry? If you don’t know what the market is doing, any of our Ambrion team can help. 


Address the Elephant in the Room

Tell your new hires you know they’ve been approached, or will be. As Jared Polites, from LaunchTeam explains, “In my experience, being fair and proactive with people I work with has allowed a deep trust to be built in a relatively short amount of time. Always put yourself in the shoes of others.” Explain why you think their current role is better than the one they have or will be pitched. Tell them your why. Connect your mission to why you’ve turned down offers to leave. Be human. 


If you’ve hired and on-boarded talent over the past year and a half, we know you’ve faced some unique challenges. However, it’s not too late to prevent costly and exhausting turnover from happening to you. In addition to using the four tips above, reach out to any of our trusted team to talk one-on-one about your specific circumstances.