How Long Is Too Long to Wait to Engage an Outside Recruiter?


If you’re looking for an accountant with one year or more of experience, this post is for you! In 2021, someone with that background is getting snapped up in less than a week! Resist the temptation to do any of the following:

  1. Post the role to see what kind of candidates you get 
  2. Rely solely on your in house recruiting team that has a dozen other roles to fill 
  3. Wait to work on recruiting for the role so your employees send you referral candidates


If you are looking for an accounting or finance candidate right now, there is no such thing as engaging outside help too early. Here’s why:


“Post and See”

The approach that we most often hear about is the one that has most recently resulted in hiring managers waiting an epic amount of time for a candidate to come along that “sort of” fits their requirements for the role. The, “I want to post it first to see what I get before engaging outside help” is the strategy that we have watched cost hiring managers their time, money, and sanity this year. We cannot emphasize enough that if you are lucky enough to have one great candidate apply to your job, you are heads and shoulders above the pack of people with job postings that are not getting any qualified candidates right now.


Don’t get Desperate

“Post and See” often leads companies and hiring managers to hire from a place of desperation. They’ve waited too long to engage outside help, or didn’t allocate budget for it, and then hire someone, anyone, out of panic and a pure need to get the job done. Bad hires stemming from panicked hiring come with a high price. The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that a bad hire can cost companies at least 30 percent of that hire’s first-year earnings. When you do the quick math, can you afford not to engage an expert to help you find the right candidate?


Exclusive is Exclusive

Sometimes, a candidate will see a job posting, get called about it by two different recruiters, and feel like even if the job is perfect for them, they lose interest because it doesn’t feel like a unique, special opportunity. There’s something to be said for engaging one firm that is marketing your company and position on your behalf to a select group of candidates with the right background. We find that when a candidate says, “I haven’t heard they were even hiring,” they’re more likely to realize they’re being specifically targeted, have a better chance of getting the job, and are excited about interviewing for this rare opportunity.


This IS a Brand Building Opportunity

When you let a job board represent you, or multiple firms reach out to the marketplace for your company, it’s difficult to control the narrative. You cannot possibly know what each recruiter is saying about the role, and if the job posting will really attract the right candidates. Remember that who you select to recruit for your role reflects your company’s values, culture, goals and brand. Every phone call made or email written to potential candidates are opportunities to get the word out about your organization, and should be approached with the goal of making an outstanding first impression. If done correctly, after a candidate hears about your company for the first time, the second time they hear you are hiring, they should be inspired to want to apply, and/or interview. This process should cement your organization as a place people want to work, not just another company that’s hiring.


Resist the temptation to “Post and See,” which is likely to result in desperation and an inclination to hire the wrong person. Along the way, it’s too easy to hire too many recruiters, lose control of your brand/ company image, and lose a valuable branding opportunity. Engage your outside recruiting team when you first hear you’ll need to hire, and ultimately end up with the right talent on your timeline.