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Proper Interview Attire + Appearance
Conservative is always best when it comes to dressing for your interview. Remember that what you wear immediately forms others’ opinions of you. First impressions will go a long way toward establishing you as a viable candidate (or not).
If you do not own appropriate clothing for an interview, you should go to a store where a salesperson can give you good advice. Interviews are not the time to wear the latest fashion trend or make a statement. Instead, find a classic suit or simple dress with a jacket. Always dry-clean it and have it ready to wear.
Although dress codes vary from company to company, your appearance for an interview should always be professional!
- Wear a suit (pants or skirt) in subdued colors
- Avoid short skirts and extremely high heels
- Polish your shoes and keep them in good condition
- Groom and manicure your nails
- Apply conservative makeup lightly
- Apply perfume very lightly or not at all (think allergies)
- Avoid overly extravagant jewelry
- Wear a suit in subdued colors
- Neatly press your shirt, preferably dry-clean, and starch it
- Polish your shoes and keep them in good condition
- Wear a tie unless you know this to be too conservative
- Trim and clean your nails
- Groom your beard and mustache well
- Avoid jewelry except for a wedding ring and wristwatch
- Apply cologne, perfume, or aftershave very lightly or not at all (think allergies)