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Video Interviews
Career-management experts estimate that more than 80% of job interviews are won or lost (mostly lost) during the first five minutes. The key to success in video interviews, as with any interview type, is thorough preparation.
Setting the Stage
- Find a quiet place where you know you will have no interruptions or background noise, such as TV, pets, or children. This may mean scheduling a babysitter for this time.
- Ensure your internet connection is stable and fast enough to have a video meeting reliably.
- Get the best lighting possible and test it ahead of time. In a perfect world, you would use natural light, but you can also use lamps positioned diagonally in front of you. Avoid any direct backlighting, especially a window.
Technical Preparation
- Get familiar with the video platform you will be using and, if possible, test out the platform ahead of your interview.
- Test your audio and video connection ahead of your interview.
- If you don’t already have it, get the interviewer’s direct phone number so you can call that person should you have any technology issues that interrupt the interview.
Professional Presentation
- Do not answer your phone, door, etc. during your interview.
- Dress professionally, typically one notch above the company’s typical attire.
- Have a copy of your resume, notepad, pen, a list of prepared notes, and basic questions sitting with you.
- You should also have your calendar and any research notes on the company.
Engaging Communication
- When listening, nod and smile to show you are engaged, and use hand gestures when appropriate.
- Focus on what you can immediately contribute to the company. Not on what the company can contribute to you.
- Talk directly into the mouthpiece and try to be aware of the volume of your voice. If you have a bad connection or have difficulty hearing, have the interviewer call you back or adjust the volume on your phone.
Avoiding Distractions
- Above all else, DO NOT multitask. Close all unnecessary web browser tabs and applications that could be a distraction.
- Make sure that when the interview is over, you exit the video conference.