Land Top Talent with These 10 Interviewing Tips


Mastering the art of interviewing can be challenging, nerve-wracking, and overwhelming. And, unfortunately, there’s no “secret sauce” for success. Although, if there were a recipe, we imagine it would require a dash of dedication, a pinch of patience, and a heavy dollop of hard work.


But in all seriousness, we’ve compiled a list of ten essential tips that you can implement today to make your interviews more effective and impactful.


So, let’s jump in and explore how you can become a better interviewer and land top-notch talent!


1. Arrive on time

There’s a high probability that the candidate you’re interested in is considering opportunities elsewhere, which is why first impressions matter now more than ever. And being late to an interview could make or break your chances of landing them.

Phone reminder and notification for interviewing time


Punctuality shows respect for the candidate’s time and sets a positive tone for the rest of the interview — wherever it occurs.


So, to ensure you arrive on time (or even a few minutes early), try setting reminders on your calendar or using the timer app on your smartphone.


2. Be ready to sell

When it comes to interviewing candidates, you’ve got to be ready to sell!


In this competitive job market, it’s not just about checking off boxes and assessing qualifications. Successful interviews also convince candidates that your job and company are their best choice. 


Here are some things to think about:


  • What makes this role unique?
  • What sets it apart from their current job or other options out there?
  • How will you highlight exciting projects, the room for growth, and the fantastic work culture?
  • What about your company’s values, mission, and accomplishments make it stand out?


Your goal for each interview is to get candidates excited about what you’re offering so the only thought in their head is, “Wow, this is where I need to be!”


3. Tailor the panel

The best interview panels don’t happen by coincidence. They involve careful consideration, purpose, and planning beforehand, aiming to create a tailor-made interview experience.


So, let’s say you’re interested in a candidate with public accounting experience. 


Have them chat with someone on your team or your department who knows the ins and outs of public accounting. By matching the interview panel with the candidate’s background, you can dig deeper into their qualifications, assess their cultural fit, and better understand their potential within the organization.


4. Move quickly

Timing is everything when landing exceptional candidates, as their “shelf life” is limited. Creating job orders, conducting interviews, and making decisions takes a lot of time. To keep things moving quickly, consider consolidating interview rounds.


Consolidating interview rounds

Instead of spreading them across multiple days, group them back-to-back. This approach can streamline your interview process while allowing you to maintain a comprehensive evaluation.


5. Be honest 

Millennials and Generation Z are on the verge of becoming an overwhelming majority of our workforce.

Estimates suggest that by 2025, 75% will be classified as Millennials, and 27% will be Generation Z. 


To attract, hire, and retain these generations, understanding their priorities is crucial. Above all else, they seek open and transparent employers.


When interviewing candidates, be candid about your expectations, including office hours, working locations, and more.


Remember, transparency builds trust and fosters a positive employer-employee relationship.


6. Hire for aptitude

Degree-based hiring is no longer a golden ticket to attracting great talent. Open your doors to a more diverse talent pool by normalizing what truly matters — skills, passion, and potential.


The benefits of skills-based hiring can include the following:


  • Shorter recruitment process
  • Higher retention rates
  • Wider talent pool access
  • Lower chance of expensive mis-hires


7. Stay informed 

Interviewers must stay informed about the latest trends in the job market, as they can significantly sway a candidate’s decision. And when you do, you’ll be in a prime position to make informed decisions and attract top-notch talent.


Connecting with a consultative recruiting partner is also a great way to stay informed. Their pulse on the market is reliable and can offer valuable insights and resources to support you.


8. Use caution with counteroffers

Unfortunately, some people only apply to positions as leverage for a counteroffer. To protect your time and resources, you must exercise a healthy amount of caution when interviewing talent.


Understand a candidate’s motivations for applying by asking questions like:


  • What initially attracted you to this position and our company?
  • Can you tell me about a specific aspect of the job description that resonated with you?
  • What are you looking to gain or achieve in your next career move?
  • How does this position align with your long-term career goals and aspirations?
  • What do you find most appealing about working with our team?
  • How do you see yourself making an impact in this role and within our company? 


Remember to listen actively, as a candidate’s answers can provide valuable insight into their motivations, alignment with the role and company, and overall career goals. 


Pro tip: Partnering with a professional recruiter can help streamline the screening process, allowing you to focus on creating a positive candidate experience.


9. Talk about yourself, too

A good interview involves asking the candidate questions, but a great interview is a conversation between two people! Be prepared to share your career journey and maybe even a fun fact about yourself. First impressions go both ways, and candidates also appreciate getting to know you.


This balanced exchange also allows candidates to see a glimpse of who you are and the company’s culture, creating a more meaningful connection. So, let the conversation flow naturally and create a memorable experience for you and the candidate.


10. Improve onboarding

Wait– is onboarding a part of the interview process? Technically, no, but it absolutely should be!


Tablet with an onboarding checklist on the screen.


You’ve put in effort and resources to hire the best and to prevent costly turnover, a smooth transition from interviewing to onboarding is crucial. 


A solid onboarding process is like the foundation of a sturdy building — it lays the groundwork for long-term success.


Consider using an onboarding checklist to stay organized and ensure you cover all the essential steps during the first 90 days.


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