Why You Should Be Interviewing Right Now


Is the thought of interviewing the main reason you’re not looking for a new role right now? We know, interviewing can be nerve wracking, time consuming, and can eat up a lot of space on your plate. However, if there was ever a time to consider interviewing, it’s now. Here’s why you should be interviewing right now!


No excuses necessary
You’ve probably used one of these excuses in the past to get out of work to go to an interview:
-I’m taking a sick day.
-I’m taking a couple of hours of personal time.
-I’m picking a friend up from the airport.
-I need an emergency car repair, home repair, or appliance repair and have to wait for a service.
-I have a plumbing problem.
-I have a sick child/ pet.


With employers delaying their plans for the return to office for employees, working from home means you won’t have to use one of these common excuses for not being at work. You can likely just say you’ll be offline from a certain time, and log back on after your interview is complete. This should mean it’s actually easier for you to interview right now!


We have not seen a market like this in years
Ambrion’s Managing Director, Katie Kelly, describes the state of the hiring market in Accounting and Finance right now as, “I have been in the business for nearly two decades and cannot remember a time when there’s been this kind of demand for talent, and talent being considered for leadership roles when they traditionally would have had to wait for that level of career progression.”


The market is hotter than ever right now, and it’s moving fast. When it comes to an interview timeline right now, employers are prepared to move quickly and make an offer after the first interview.


Flexibility is on the table
After eighteen plus months of working from home, many employers expect that their teams will want to work from home more often than pre-pandemic levels. Many employers are structuring offers with that assumption already baked in. If you’re having to negotiate flexibility with your current employer, this might be the right time to look for an employer that expects you’ll want/ need flexibility and is happy to provide it.


You’re not just a number
Because the demand for talent is so strong right now, employers are not being deluged with resumes for open positions. Meaning, your background is likely to get more attention and critical review than ever before. This can mean you’ll have more chances for multiple opportunities and roles, even within the same organization.


Right now, some of the downside that comes with interviewing is off the table. From being able to be offline to do an interview, and employers desperate to hire great talent, this could be the right time to kick off a job search, interview, and make a career move you thought you’d have to wait years to make!