10 Self-Care Practices to Reduce Stress and Boost Productivity


Balanced rocks

While our careers bring us joy and purpose, they can also leave us feeling stressed and burnt out. And with May being Mental Health Awareness Month, it seemed only fitting to talk about self-care.


If you think self-care is selfish, think again.


Practicing self-care has been proven to help manage stress and anxiety, increase productivity, and improve overall happiness. So in this post, we’re sharing with you:


  • 10 self-care practices for your mind, body, heart, and soul
  • Non-generic ways to fold them into your daily life
  • Practical, real-world examples


We hope this post inspires you and helps you feel a little less stressed at work. Read on to discover ways to fill up your cup!



1. Get Moving¹

Work out because you love your body, not because you hate it.


Society has conditioned us to believe the opposite, and it’s time to reframe that narrative. Celebrate and honor your body by choosing exercises that bring you joy.

Woman talking her dog for a walk


That could be lifting weights in the gym or trying unconventional forms of movement like:


  • Yard work
  • Impromptu dancing
  • Nature walks with or without Fido
  • Gentle stretching or yoga
  • Vacuuming (IYKYK)
  • Using the stairs vs. an elevator


The point is to find ways to move that you look forward to. 


¹Disclaimer: Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.


2. Nourish Your Body + Brain²

What we put in is what we get out. Give your body the nourishment and fuel it needs to function at its best.


Stuck in a food rut? Wondering what to pack for lunch? Get inspired with 100 lunch ideas to enjoy at the office and at home. And remember to drink your water!


²Disclaimer: Always consult a qualified healthcare professional before changing your diet.


3. Make Time for Micro-Breaks

We know micro-breaks are good for us. And the science backs that up. But time-sensitive tasks and projects can make it challenging to step away. Do it anyway, even if it’s for five minutes.

Your brain on on-stop meetings


Because while pushing through may seem productive, it’s not.


Improve your concentration, productivity, creativity, well-being, and more by taking that micro-break! 


  • Hungry? Get some food.
  • Thirsty? Refill your water bottle.
  • Tired? Take a power nap.
  • Stiff? Stretch or go for a walk.


You catch our drift. Just make sure you step away! 


4. Practice Mindfulness

Dogs are remarkable experts on mindfulness. They don’t think about the past or the future but live fully in the present moment. Mindfulness is easier said than done, especially since human life is more complex than most species.


But you can still take a page out of Fido’s playbook. Mindfulness begins with awareness and appreciation.


The next time you deliver on a major work deadline, pause and enjoy the moment. You did that and should feel proud of your accomplishment! Add it to your resume as a written reminder of your success.


Learn how to integrate mindfulness into your everyday life with resources like Headspace.


5. Establish a Routine

Daily routines give us a plan. And that means more focused and productive mornings, which carry over into successful days. Remember, your routine should bring you joy, not stress. 


Be realistic and build a daily routine that works for you and your lifestyle. Morning routine content on social media is fabricated and completely unrealistic. So don’t beat yourself up for being unable to do the same thing.


Do what works best for you.


6. Connect With Your People

It may be cliché, but we’ll say it anyway. Live, laugh, love with the people who matter most to you. In the end, it’s the relationships we cultivate that add the most joy and fulfillment to our lives.


If you need to pencil in that time together, then do it. No shame. Being an adult often means juggling many responsibilities, and calendars get full fast. Scheduling regular time together can help you stay connected and build meaningful relationships.


7. Be Kind to Your Mind

In moments of stress or self-doubt, speak to yourself with compassion. If it helps your internal dialogue, imagine you’re talking to a friend. Offer encouragement and support you would give them in a similar situation. 

Post-it notes with affirmations written on them and placed on a board


Need a physical reminder?


Write affirmations on Post-it notes and place them in spots you see daily, like your bathroom mirror at home or your work monitor.


Sometimes we have to see it to believe it!


8. Set Healthy Boundaries

Healthy boundaries teach us self-respect and self-love. And establishing these with our friends, loved ones, and coworkers helps us respect one another. Which, in turn, fosters healthier personal and professional relationships.


Here are some practical ways you can establish healthy boundaries at work:


  • Learn to say “no” when you have too much on your plate
  • Ask for help when you need it
  • Request to move your 1:1 meeting up instead of sitting and spinning


9. Cultivate Gratitude Every Day

By taking a few moments to acknowledge the good in our lives — a.k.a. practicing gratitude — we can shift our focus from negativity to positivity and improve our mental health.


Here are a few easy ways to incorporate gratitude into your daily routine:


  • Start the day by listing three things you are grateful for
  • Send a gratitude note to someone who made you smile recently
  • Before going to sleep, reflect on three good things that happened today


10. Say “Yes” More

Self-care is a balance between saying no and yes. Saying yes to new experiences can help us grow personally and professionally and be emotionally liberating. However, it’s important to clarify that we should only say yes to safe and healthy things.


Here are a few examples:


  • Saying yes to a job opportunity that intimidates us
  • Taking on a challenging task
  • Attending a social gathering that fills our cup